CMSA Documents
Here you will find documents related to CMSA information
CMSA Development Plus vs Development Streams
Development Plus Program
This program is designed to meet the needs of the top players in the city or players who want to be provided with more training and sessions. Players registering in the Development Plus program will be automatically registered into the Golden Goal Soccer Academy at the time of registration. Academy players will receive 1-3 sessions per week under the direction of Munib Koric. The number of sessions and length of the session is determined by the program season and the player’s age. The fee is already included in club registration when you register for this stream and payment plans are created upfront to divide into instalments. Please note players in the recreational stream are able to take extra Academy sessions and should reach out to the Villains registrar to get this included in your registration fees.
Development Program
Our Development Stream (Recreational stream) program is designed for the player that is involved in multiple activities. The program builds on the House League ” Grassroots Young Villains” by introducing players to the game in a fun setting where they develop soccer skills and knowledge while also learning life skills such as sportsmanship, teamwork and respect. Playing time is as close to equal as possible to be fair to all players. The Club will attempt to keep teams together from season to season where possible to allow the players to build strong friendships and a sense of community. Typically as players move into U12 and older this is easily achieved. All players (U7 and U19) will get consistent technical training or skill centre programming throughout the season of play. This could be 6-8 sessions or 8-12 sessions pending on the age of the player. Our Club staff who are certified in Youth License, Children License and C License will oversee this program. We feel this will take pressure off the coaches and teams can then have an optional team practice if they need or when they need it through the season.
Club Wear & Uniform
CMSA U10-U17 Program
Jerseys are loaned out to the team each season but must be returned washed and in good condition at the end of the season. Failure to return Jerseys washed and able to be used in a future season will result in a $100.00 replacement fee.
Socks New players to the club will get game socks when they first sign in to the club.
Shorts will be given to players when they register with the club for the first time. Once players need additional size they can purchase these directly through the club facility along with socks.
All Club training kits, hats, hoodies, and backpacks can be purchased at the Villains Facility during office hours.
Players must all have Training Shirts, Black Training Shorts, Blue Socks from U9-U19 Programs. All other items are optional but teams are encouraged to purchase team hoodies, backpacks, or 1/4 zips that are worn to games, training and practices.
CMSA U7-U9 Festival Groups
Players will be provided the following Uniform Pieces
U7-U8 – Black Shorts, Black Socks, Villains Top
U9 – Macron Shorts, Socks, Villains Top
U7-U8 will need to purchase the club Black Villains Dri Fit Training Top, and all U9 Players will need to purchase the full training kit.
Club Policies & Documents
I’ve included for you below the following club Policies and Documents. We will continue to add new documents as needed to this location:
Calgary Villains Active Implementation of the Rule of Two
Villains Coaches Code of Conduct
VIllains Dispute Resolution Procedure
Villains Accessibility & Inclusion Policy
Villains Volunteer Screening and Harassment
Volunteer Screening Appendix A
Volunteer Screening Appendix B
Villains Misconduct Reporting Procedure
Villains Reporting Incident Form
Villains Player Placement Appeal
Villains Player_Parent Code of Conduct
Villains Liason For Child Protection – email:
Villains Strategic Plan SnapShot
Facility Fee
Facility Fee
A $35 facility fee will be added to all registrations at checkout. This is a required fee, and families cannot opt-out. Our long-term plan is to grow, develop and improve the club’s facilities for our players. We have achieved this over the last 3 years by providing a year-round training centre and opening our new Villains Club House in the fall of 2024. We are very close to having our dreams become a reality with our new Villains Dome now having received its full permitting, and as we look to begin construction as soon as final funding is secured. We continue striving to provide the best facilities we can for our membership, and having all three of these facilities will allow us to provide access to some of the best facilities in the city. This fee will only be used for facility development and will go directly towards their upkeep, maintenance, equipment, and operations. We thank you for your continued support of our program.
Jersey Bond
Jersey Bond
CMSA U10-U17 Jerseys are loaned out to the player each season but must be returned washed and in good condition at the end of the season. Failure to return Jerseys washed and able to be used in a future season will result in a $100.00 replacement fee. This means the jersey has no stains or rips.
This bond will not be charged to any families that return their jerseys at the end of their CMSA season of play to their team manager. Managers will need to return at season end to the club reception as a set and we will update all lists by Sept 25, 2024. At the time of checkout please select installment and you will see no charge upfront.
Refund Policy
Refunds will be reviewed ONLY when a written refund request is submitted via email to the Club Refund Committee: before the first day of any club-wide team assessments ( tryouts and or evaluations) The Refund Request form must be filled out and is found under the Documents tab on the club website.
All refunds are subject to withholding the non-refundable administration fee, CMSA player registration fee, and any amount to cover costs already incurred on the player’s behalf. Each case will be reviewed by the Club Refund Committee and subject to the refund request meeting the criteria below. The Club Refund Committee will make all refund decisions. Club staff will be engaged to provide additional information if necessary, but will not have a vote or say in the final decision.
Telephone requests are not valid. Please note that players who choose to quit a team or withdraw during the season must pay all remaining fees before a release will be granted. This includes future payments, sports science fees, academy fees, and future installments. The club installments do not cover a period in training but are used to spread out the payments for families.
CMSA Program Date Deadline will be 11:59 pm September 4 2024
AYSL Program Date Deadline will be 11:59 pm August 7 2024
Medical Refund – If a player cannot play due to a medical diagnosis, they must provide a note from their doctor and attach it to their Injury/Critical Illness application. Medical refunds will not be considered without a certified doctor’s note, and eligibility will be determined based on the criteria outlined in the Injury/Critical Illness Status application. Players seeking a medical refund/credit will not be permitted to transfer to another club in the same soccer season, and cannot return to matches that same season. Those medical refunds approved will have any credit applied to their member zone family account to be used in the next club season. Each case is reviewed independently and does not guarantee a full credit returned.
U3-U8 Young Villains Grassroots Program
Refunds will be considered, less a $50 admin fee, when made in writing on or before April 1 of the Outdoor Season and October 1 of the Indoor season.
Schedules & Assessments
2025 Outdoor Eval Schedule March 13
U7-U9 Training Model Mid April
Adult Program will begin assessments in early April.
Club Assessments Procedure:
Players are selected for rosters based on the following criteria:
- Previous Coaches Season End Assessment ( Returning Players Only)
- Club staff feedback from skills centres, technical training and Academy
- Club Assessments & Evaluations
- Pre Season Rostering and Training Camps
Club Assessment Steps:
1. Players are first put into training groups based on their birth year and must attend those sessions.
2. Players moved into training groups based on where the club feels is the best placement.
3. 1-2 sessions minimum in front of club staff for U10-U17 before they finalize roster.
4. Players are placed into pre-season training groups with discussions from assessments and team staff coaches
5. Players continued to move up and down through pre-season camp and up until first round of games was completed.
6. Training camps and pre-season play does not mean final rosters.
7. The club will have the final say on all player placements but will look to place like-minded players together where possible.
8. U7-U9 Development (Rec) will be invited out to assessments but those teams are created with friend requests as the priority and then looking at like-minded players next. U9 Development Plus are created with like minded players in the same training group.
** AYSL Players will run a year-long program from August to August so will not take part in mid-season assessments unless asked by club TD
Players are to arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled time and will check in at the front reception area where they will be advised on what pinnie and team field they will be on. Please ensure players are ready to take part in soccer activities with club training shirts, club training shorts, soccer socks and cleats or shoes.
Recreational Program we take into consideration friend requests, previous team roster and look to continue to group like-minded players together. Recreational players assessed at a higher level will be invited out to take part in the competitive session, but this will be optional.
Competitive Program players go through an assessment with field staff in varying formats of 2vs2 up to 7vs7. This may also include friendlies and club games within an age group regardless of group.
If you still need to purchase a club training kit you can do that at the Reception inside the Villains Training Centre. Training kit consists of Club Dri Fit shirt, Shorts and training socks.
Subsidy Programs & Financial Assistance
Financial Assistance Programs
If your family requires financial assistance please fill out and fax the application form below. Please keep in mind the policy whenever applying for financial assistance:
- The grants from either program can only be used once in each year
- The grants cover anywhere from $150.00 – $400.00 per family member playing.
- The registration will not be processed and will be waiting till the funds are received by the club
- A Family can pay for complete registration for the player to start playing right away and a refund or credit will be given for the amount Kidsport covers over and above the program fees. A refund will not be given if more payments are still due by the family ( ie. Future program payments)
Villains Angels Fund
As a club, Calgary Villains F.C. operates as a non-profit soccer club. The money we raise through player registrations, fundraising and sponsorship is spent entirely to provide equipment, practice facilities, CMSA league, staffing, uniforms, club wear and much more. Essentially, what comes in, goes out and we need the fees we charge to balance our budgets.
Many Families playing with the club cannot afford the fees necessary to participate in the Calgary soccer development experience and these families can apply for financial assistance through awesome programs like ” Kidsport” and ” Jumpstart”. However, there are many families in Calgary accessing these programs and, due to funding limitations, these programs can only afford to pay a portion of our Club’s breakeven costs. It is important to also notice that families can only use these programs once per calendar year. Families who are supported by these programs must provide information detailing their income, resources and expenditures. Once approved by Kidsport or Jumpstart our club is made aware that the family meets a financial need.
The Club sponsors the balance of costs for these players but, in the current economic environment, it is challenging for the Club to make ends meet as more and more families need help. We are therefore reaching out to you, our members, for your help. If you are able, through our program ” The Villains Angels”, you can contribute to a fund that will help support those children in our program who are in need from U3-U18.
You may make a general contribution or choose to support a particular child or family. You can make an anonymous contribution or be recognized on our Villains Angel’s page on the website; you may contribute individually or through your company and any amount would be greatly received. We have generous uniform sponsors who pay for uniform and equipment rights for the club, so this program does not include naming rights and does not contemplate sponsorship for individual teams at this time.
If you are interested in helping families in need in our program please contact the office!
Team Officials
Below you will find the necessary information specific to becoming a Team Official ( Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager). We will provide two specific step-by-step instruction manuals for our own internal resources as well as CMSA documentation below:
Villains Team Manager Duties.. Coming Soon
Villains Team Coach / Assistant Coach Duties.. Coming Soon
Please note in order to get your volunteer bond back you must be fully approved on the CMSA roster which will require
- Police E Pic
- Team officials card
- Coaches need licensing specific to age group
- Respect in Sport
- Making Ethical Decisions
Tournament & Travel
In order to be approved to Travel to any tournament a few steps need to take place:
- Please get club approval from club program lead
- Once approved you will need to register for the tournament
- Teams will need to travel for a travel permit if outside of Alberta
- Guest players in the club on another roster need a release letter from club and coach to play
Teams must follow the club Villains Travel Policy
Volunteer Bond - CMSA Program
Volunteers are not just a part of our club, they are the backbone of our successful operation. Their commitment and dedication allow us to provide a quality soccer program. We are fortunate to have an exceptional group of families who are committed to helping our club provide the best soccer experience for our players. At registration, you will be charged a $150.00 volunteer bond, which will be returned as a credit at season end once your volunteer requirement has been fulfilled.
Volunteer hours can be fulfilled in a myriad of ways, catering to different interests and skills. From the club’s Casino event, one of our largest and most important fundraisers, to helping in the Villains Training Centre, our new Club House, and very shortly, the Villains Dome, there is ample opportunity to contribute. Whether it’s pre-season, during, or postseason play, there’s a role for everyone. Families can also meet their Volunteer requirements by assisting in coaching or managerial roles, tryouts, start and end-of-season inventory, evaluations, assessments, Jamboree festival, parking marshall, and field maintenance support. To receive a credit back for the Volunteer Bond, 10 full hours are required in roles outside of our team staff roles. When a family completes the volunteer requirement, the Volunteer Bond will be returned to their Member zone account at the end of the season as a credit to be used in the following season or other club programs.
Just so you know, Head Coaches in the U7-U19 CMSA Program will receive an additional $100.00 credit plus the original bond back to their account to use in the following season, with managers and assistant coaches receiving the original $150.00 returned to their account. Team staff roles, including head coach, assistant coach, and manager, must all be approved by CMSA and must complete a Police Clearance, Respect to Sport course, Making Ethical Decisions, and any other accreditation requirements deemed necessary by the league (Coach Certification). In our APDL programs, we have added two roles (Finance / Treasurer & Video Pixellot Recorder) to help each team run as smoothly as possible.
Please volunteer to help us make our Club and our programs even better in the future!
Volunteer & Job Opportunities
Staff Coaching Roles:
- Villains Skills Centre Coach –Skill Centre Job 2024-25
- Villains Academy Staff Coach – Academy Coach Position
- Villains High-Performance Staff – Villains High-Performance Coach
- Email and with your resume
Team Coaches
- Interested in Coaching a team for Calgary Villains FC – email Mike Lau
Volunteer Bond
For the club to function at our best we need volunteer help! As a result, the Board decided to add a volunteer levy to the fees which started in the Outdoor 2019 season. This is especially important in seasons when we have a Casino, but over and above that, the Villains Training Centre, Villains Clubhouse has ample opportunity to help both pre and post-season of play. That said, families can work off the Volunteer Bond by assisting in coaching or managerial roles, tryouts, start and end-of-season inventory, evaluations, assessments, jamboree festival, parking marshall, and field maintenance support, to name a few. Ten full hours completed are needed outside our team staff roles.
When a family completes the volunteer requirement the volunteer levy will be returned as a credit on the account to their Member zone at the end of the season as a credit for the following season.
As it is easier for us to budget and administer a revenue adjustment for the next season rather than a series of refunds in the current season, the Board decided to refund the volunteer fee as a credit for the next season.
For the club to function at its best, we need volunteer help! As a result, the Board decided to add a volunteer levy to the fees starting in the Outdoor 2019 season. This is especially important during seasons when we have a Casino, but beyond that, the Villains Training Centre and Villains Clubhouse offer ample opportunities for assistance both pre- and post-season. That said, families can fulfill the Volunteer Bond by helping in coaching or managerial roles, tryouts, inventory at the start and end of the season, evaluations, assessments, jamboree festivals, parking marshalling, and field maintenance support, to name a few. Ten full hours outside our team staff roles are required to complete the obligation. When a family meets the volunteer requirement, the volunteer levy will be returned as a credit to their Member Zone account at the end of the season, credited for the following season.
Since it is easier for us to budget and manage a revenue adjustment for the next season rather than process a series of refunds in the current season, the Board decided to refund the volunteer fee as a credit for the next season.
Please note that Head Coaches in the U7-U19 CMSA Program will receive an additional $100.00 credit (over and above the volunteer bond) applied to their account, to be used in the following season and valid for one full calendar year. Team staff roles, which include head coach, assistant coach, and manager, must all be approved in CMSA in accordance with sports regulations, ethical decision-making, and any other necessary league requirements.
Please volunteer to help us make our Club and our programs even better in the future!
Please note that Head Coaches U7-U19 CMSA Program will get an additional $100.00 Credit ( over and above the volunteer bond) applied to their account to use in the following season and active for 1 full calendar year. Team Staff roles, which include head coach, assistant coach and manager, must all be approved in CMSA with Respect to sports, Making ethical decisions and any other necessary requirements by the league.
Please volunteer to help us make our Club and our programs even better in the future!
Uniform Policy
The club uniform plays an integral part in the forging of club identity and in building both a sense of community and of pride in the organization. This can only be accomplished if all Calgary Villains F.C teams wear the complete club uniform and club training kit so that no matter what the division, no matter what the occasion, the team can be readily identified as representing Calgary Villains F.C.
The club does not allow teams to purchase their own uniforms or training kit to be worn in any club events that are not apart of our currently approved designs.
Players will be provided game shorts and socks when they first register into our CMSA based program and can buy additional sizes anytime at the club reception.
U7-U9 CMSA Festival Game Day
Players can wear the Club Macron Training Shorts for all training and games in this level. We do have mass grassroots shorts that we can provide to new players.
Players can wear black grassroots mass socks for games or the team can choose to wear the club training socks as game socks. This would be a team decision but must be only club-approved socks.
Game Day Shirt
Players are provided with new festival shirts in our U7-U9 program. The shirt will continue to be used for two full years ( 4 seasons) so parents don’t need to purchase additional items. This is kept at season end by the players and can be worn through U7-U9 Programming.
U10-U17 CMSA Game Day
Macron Game Shorts & Socks are provided to all new players each season. Returning players can purchase additional at any time through the club facility reception desk.
Outdoor 2023 will see new game shorts and new game socks to be used. The club will provide all players with 1 new set and the opportunity to purchase more if needed.
Macron game jersey is loaned each season and must be returned with the team set at the end of the season to be used for future programs. Jersey’s not returned will be $100.00 charge to families so please make sure they are returned directly at the season’s end.
Club Game Wear
Jerseys are loaned out to the team each season but must be returned washed and in good condition at the end of the season. Failure to return Jerseys washed and able to be used in a future season will result in $100.00 replacement fee. Teams cannot purchase their own kits and must wear club-approved ones.
Socks new players to the club will get game socks when they first sign in the club.
Shorts will be given to players when they register with the club for the first time. Once players need additional size they can purchase these directly through the club facility along with socks.
All Club training kits, hats, hoodies, and backpacks can be purchased at the Villains Facility during office hours.
Players must all have Training Shirts, Black Training Shorts, Blue Socks from U9-U19 Programs. All other items are optional but teams are encouraged to purchase team hoodies, backpacks, or 1/4 zips that are worn to games, training and practices.
Refund Policy
Registering a player in any of the Calgary Villains Soccer Programs, and signing the registration form will ensure the policy on refunds of fees for players who do not participate in any or part of the program they registered for as per below. Please note telephone requests are not considered valid for any refund claim.
All refunds are subject to the withholding of the non-refundable administration fee, CMSA player registration fee, and any amount to cover costs already incurred on the player’s behalf. Each case will be reviewed on it’s own so long as it falls within the criteria mentioned below. Only the board of directors is involved in refunds and club staff do not have a vote or say on any claim.
CMSA League Programs & Adult Programs
Refunds will be considered, less a $200 admin fee, when made in writing on or prior to the first day of club-wide evaluation and or assessments to the attention of . After the first day of club-wide assessments the club will not entertain any refund requests unless relocation ( moving out of Calgary with proof) or a season ending injury with medical note. There are no refunds due to team placement in the club.
Telephone requests are not valid, and neither is emailing club staff for a refund. Please note that players who choose to quit a team or withdraw in the season must pay out all remaining fees before a release. This includes any future payments, sports science fees, academy fees and any future instalments. The club installments are not covering a period of time in training but are used to spread out the payments for families.
Deadline Date For CMSA Program March 1st for Outdoor Registration & September 10th for Indoor Season.
U3-U8 Young Villains Grassroots Program
Refunds will be considered, less a $50 admin fee when made in writing on or prior to April 1 of the Outdoor Season, October 1 of the Indoor season.
Payment Plans
Did you know that we offer Payment Plans for all programs in the club. We understand that it can be difficult to make a full payment upfront with registration and as a result, we have various payment plans that we can set up for your family. In our Development- (Academy program) we already have a Three Payment Plan in place and in our AYSL Program we have a 4 payment installment plan in place that is approved at the checkout stage of your registration.
Outdoor Registration – February 1st
Indoor Registration – August 1st
This plan can be modified or provided to our other programs if needed. In order for us to do this, you will need to have a profile created and all players who will be playing attached to your account ready for registration. Please contact our club Registrar to have this set up for you in either our Competitive Stream or Recreational Stream
Kid Sport Application
If your family requires financial assistance please fill out and fax the application form below. Please keep in mind the policy whenever applying for financial assistance:
- The grants from either program can only be used once in each year
- The grants cover anywhere from $150.00 – $400.00 per family member playing.
- The registration will not be processed and will be waiting till the funds are received by the club
- A Family can pay for complete registration for the player to start playing right away and a refund or credit will be given for the amount Kidsport covers over and above the program fees. A refund will not be given if more payments are still due by the family ( ie. Future program payments)
Villains Angels Subsidy
As a club, Calgary Villains F.C operates on a break-even budget: the money we raise through player subscriptions, fundraising and sponsorship is spent entirely to provide equipment, practice facilities, CMSA league and field fees. Essentially, what comes in, goes out and we need the fees we charge to balance our budgets.
Many Families playing with the club cannot afford the fees necessary to participate in the Calgary soccer development experience and these families can apply for financial assistance through awesome programs like ” Kidsport” and ” Jumpstart”. However, there are many families in Calgary accessing these programs and, due to funding limitations, these programs can only afford to pay a portion of our Club’s breakeven costs. It is important to also notice that families can only use these programs once per calendar year. Families who are supported by these programs must provide information detailing their income, resources and expenditures. Once approved by Kidsport or Jumpstart our club is made aware that the family meets a financial need.
The Club sponsors the balance of costs for these players but, in the current economic environment, it is challenging for the Club to make ends meet as more and more families need help. We are therefore reaching out to you, our members, for your help. If you are able, through our program ” The Villains Angels”, you can contribute to a fund that will help support those children in our program who are in need from U3-U18.
You may make a general contribution or choose to support a particular child or family. You can make an anonymous contribution or be recognized on our Villains Angel’s page on the website; you may contribute individually or through your company and any amount would be greatly received. We have generous uniform sponsors who pay for uniform and equipment rights Club wide so this program does not include naming rights and does not contemplate sponsorship for individual teams.
If you are interested in helping families in need in our program please contact:
Calvin Campbell
Facility Operations.
twitter: @calgaryvillains